Tenemos que salvar al pastor Nadarkhani

Yo ya he enviado esto a la embajada de Irán. El tiempo corre en nuestra contra!!! Irán ejecutará a un pastor protestante por convertirse del Islam al cristianismo. La presión internacional debe hacer que esto cambie y le sea conmutada la pena al menos. Es un rato, un momento. Una firma y unas oraciones, nada más.

Cristians, muslims and jews adore the same God. It's different way to know and find God, but God is clement, and He accepts in the heaven all people who look for with true heart. We (muslims and cristians) must imitate God, make our heart similar God's heart.

God (Allah or Yahvé) is the unique Lord of Life and Death. Do you think men can be the lord of the life of other man? I think not.

Please, imitate God and forgive to Nadarkhani. In this case, you win a place in the heaven, the site of mercy and compassion.

Thank a lot for your time and God bless you.

Miguel Angel Almela


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