Las violaciones en grupo: nueva forma de violencia islámica

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En Australia, Noruega, Suecia y otros países occidentales, hay un crimen basado en la raza que está siendo ignorado por la policía de la diversidad: hombres islámicos que violan a mujeres occidentales por razones étnicas. Sabemos de esto porque los violadores han abiertamente declarado sus motivos sectarios..

Cuando grupos de adolescentes australianas fueron objeto de degradación sexual por unas bandas en Sydney entre 1998 and 2002, los perpetradores de estos asaltos dijeron que lo hacían por razones étnicas. Las jóvenes víctimas fueron informadas de que eran “putas” y “cerdas australianas” mientras eran perseguidas y abusadas.

En el Tribunal Supremo de Australia un violador paquistaní testificó que sus víctimas no tenían derecho a decir que no, porque no llevaban hijab (no iban con velo).

Y este mismo año los australianos se sintieron ultrajados cuando el Libanés Sheik Faiz Mohammed dio una conferencia en Sydney donde informó a su audiencia de que las víctimas no podían echar la culpa a nadie de la violación si no a ellas. Las mujeres, dijo, que llevasen poca ropa, invitaban a los hombres a violarlas.

Unos meses antes, en Copenague el mufti y estudioso islámico Shahid Mehdi dio lugar a una protesta generalizada cuando -lo mismo que su colega australiano- dijo que las mujeres que no llevaban un velo estaban pidiendo ser violadas.

En el 2001, el London Telegraph informaba que el estudioso egipcio de visita en Gran Bretaña Sheik Yusaf al-Qaradawi dijo que las mujeres que fueran violadas debían ser castigadas si iban vestidas con poca modestia ene l momento de la violación. Añadió; “para que ella sea absuelta de su culpa, la mujer violada debe demostrar buena conducta”.

En Noruega y Suecia, el periodista Fjordman alerta de la epidemia de violaciones. El inspector de policía Gunnar Larsen dijo que el incremento importante que los casos de violación y su relación con motivos étnicos son claros yambos una tendencia inconfundible. Dos de cada 3 de los perseguidos por violación en Oslo son inmigrantes con un pasado no Occidental y 80% de las víctimas son mujeres noruegas.

En Suecia, según el traductor de Jihad Watch, Ali Dashti, “las violaciones por bandas, en las que normalmente están implicados hombres musulmanes y chicas nativas suecas, se han convertido en un algo común.” Hace algunas semanas dijo, “Cinco kurdos violan brutalmente a una niña sueca de 13 años.”

En Francia, Samira Bellil rompió su silencio – después de aguantar años de repetidas violaciones en grupo en uno de los proyectos de vividendas oficiales mayoritariamente poblado por musulmanes – y escribió un libro, En el infierno de los tournantes, que conmovió Francia. Al describir cómo las violaciones por bandas crecen de forma escalofriante en las banlieues, explicaba a The Times que , “cualquier chica de la vecindad, que fume, use maquillaje o lleve ropa atractiva es una puta.”

Desafortunadamente, las mujeres occidentales no son las úncias víctimas de esta epidemia. En Indonesia, en 1998, grupos de derechos humanos, documentaron el testimonio de más de 100 mujeres chinas que habían sido violadas por bandas durante los disturbios que precedieron a la caída del Presidente Suharto. A muchas de ellas les dijeron: “Debes ser violada, porque eres china y no musulmana.”

La Solidaridad Mundial Cristiana informó de que, en abril de 2005, un niña de 9 años había sido violada, golpeada con un bate de cricket, colgada boca abajo del techo, le metieron en la boca cucharas llenas de guindillas y repetidamente golpeada cuando estaba maniatada. Sus vecinos musulmanes la dijeron que estaban tomando venganza por los bombardeos americanos de niños iraquíes y la informaron de que lo estaban haciendo porque “era una infiel y una cristiana.”
En Sudán- donde las musulmanes árabes están asesinando a negros musulmanes y cristianos en un genocidio que continúa- el antiguo esclavo sudanés y ahora activista de derechos humanos Simon Deng dice que él es testigo de las violaciones de chicas y mujeres y de que el régimen árabe de Khartoum manda a sus soldados a los campos a violar y matar. En otros informes, se dice que a las mujeres se les pregunta: “¿Eres cristiana o musulmana? y si responden que cristiana son inmediatamente violadas en grupo antes de cortarles los pechos.

Este fenómeno de la violencia sexual islámica contra las mujeres debe ser tratado como la epidemia urgente, violenta y represiva que es. En vez de so, los periodistas, académicos y los políticos, lo ignoran, lo racionalizan o simplemente condenan al ostracismo a los que osan hablar del tema.

En Australia, cuando el periodista Paul Sheehan informó honestamente sobre las violaciones de bandas en Sydney gang rapes, se le tachó de racista y se le acusó de atizar el odio anti-islámico. Y cuando informó en columna del Sydney Morning Herald de que habia una incidencia criminal muy alta entre la comunidad libanesa de Sydney, un colega periodista suyo David Marr le mandó un e-mail diciendo, “Esta es una columna desgraciada que refleja mal lo que somos en el Herald.”

Keysar Trad, vicepresidente de la Asociación de los musulmanes libaneses australianos dijo que las violaciones en grupo eran un crimen odioso pero se quejó de que era “muy injusto” que se hubiera informado de la etnia de los violadores.

La periodista Miranda Devine informó durante los mismos juicios por delitos sexuales que toda referencia étnica había sido borrada del testimonio impactante de la víctima porque los acusadores querían negociar una menor pena.

De modo que cuando el Juez Megan Latham declaró, “No hay ninguna prueba que se haya presentado que indique que hay un elemento racial en la comsiión de estos crímenes,” todo el mundo la creyó. Y el tribunal, los políticos y la mayoría de la prensa podría tener chicas violadas otra vez.

El policía australiano retirado Tim Priest alertó en el 2004 de que las bandas de libaneses, que emergieron en Sydney en los 90 -cuando la policía estaba dormida- han crecido sin control. “Los grupos de libaneses”, dijo “eran muy rudos, extremadamente violentos e intimidaban no sólo a testigos inocentes, sino incluso a la policía que intentaba arrestarles.”

Priest describe como en el 2001, en un área dominada por musulmanes en Sydney dos policías pararon aun coche en el que iban 3 conocidos hombres de Oriente Medio para buscar propiedad robada. Mientras la policía llevaba a cabo la búsqueda fueron físicamente amenazados y los 3 hombres dijeron que iban a seguirlos, matarlos y violar a sus novias.

Pero según Priest, no terminó ahí. Mientras la policía de Sydney pedía refuerzos los 3 hombres usaron sus móviles para llamar a sus asociados, y en unos minutos, 20 hombres de Oriente Medio aparecieron en escena. Pegaron a la policía y dañaron vehículos estatales. La policía se retiró y la banda les siguió a la comisaría de policía donde intimidaron al personal, causaron daños a la propiedad y cogieron a todos como rehenes.

En un momento, la banda se retiró, la policía se curó sus heridas y ninguno de ellos inició acción contra los atacantes. Priest dice, “En la mente de la población normal los policías son unos cobardes y el mensaje fue ‘Las bandas de musulmanes libaneses imponen su ley en estas calles.’”

En Francia, en las banlieues, donde las violaciones por bandas se conocen simplemente como “tournantes” o ‘pass-around,’ las víctimas saben que la polciái no la sprotegerá. Si se quejan, dice Samir Bellil, saben que ellas y sus familias serán amenazadas.

Ahora bien, las mujeres musulmanes en Francia han iniciado un movimiento llamado “Ni putas ni sumisas“, en los ghettos franceses, para luchar contra las violaciones en grupo y la inactividad policial. Están luchando contra la intrínseca violencia que existe en sus vecindarios y en la cultura que lo condona.

En la mayoría de las acusaciones francesas, los violadores musulmanes declaran que ellos no creen que hayan cometido un crimen. Y en un paralelismo alarmante con los violadores australianos, dicen que la víctima es la qeu debe ser acusada porque ella es la “puta”.

Según The Guardian, durante los disturbios recientes franceses, un príncipe saudí con acciones en la Corporación News se jactaba en una conferencia en Dubai de que había llamado a Rupert Murdoch y se había quejado de que la página de Fox News los describía como “disturbios musulmanes”. En menos de media hora, se cambió a “disturbios civiles”.

El traductor sueco, Ali Dashti, dijo que en Suecia cuando 3 hombres violaron a una chica de 22 recientemente, sólo le habían dicho una palabra: “Puta”. Estas historias, según Dashti, están en los periódicos suecos todos los días, pero con el políticamente correcto “presta atención a no mencionar la etnia de los perpetradores.”

El periódico sueco en inglés The Local informó en julio que el comandante de policía de Malmo había sido acusado de incitar al odio racial. Mandó e-mails desde el ordenador de su casa a dos oficiales de la ciudad. En el meollo del asunto, dijo” Ustedes tratan a los suecos viejos que han trabajado duro para construir este país como parásitos y les darían antes mi dinero a unos crimianles llamados Mohammed de Rosengärd.”

En Malmo, la tercera ciudad en tamaño de Suecia, la policía ha admitido, según Dashti, que no controlan ya la ciudad. “Está efectivamente gobernada por una serie de bandas violentas de inmigrantes musulmanes.” El personal de las ambulancias es regularmente atacado y escupido y ahora no ayudan a no ser que una escolta de la policía llegue. La policía está demasiado asustada para entrar en determinadas partes de la ciudad sin refuerzos.

Al principio de 2005, los periódicos noruegos informaron de que Oslo tenía el número más elevado de casos de violación de los anteriores 12 meses. Ahora bien, Fjordman explicó que las estadísticas oficiales no señalaban que los “inmigrantes estaban hiper-representados en los casos de violación”, y los medios permanecieron callados.

La Profesora de Antroplogía de Oslo, Unni Wikan (en las fotos), dijo que las mujeres noruegas debían considerar su propia responsabilidad porque los hombres musulmanes encontraban difícil contenerse por su manera provocativa de vestir. Y como estos hombres consideraban que ellas eran las responsables de las violaciones, dijo que las mujeres debían adaptarse a la sociedad multicultural en la que vivían..

(ejem, ejem, paréntesis irónico: “qué guapa y qué elegante, ¿eh?” cierra paréntesis irónico)

La BBC no emitió un documental que estaba programada en el 2004, después de que la polciái británica advirtió que podía incrementar la tensión racial. “En estas especiales circunstancias, el Canal 4 como un emisor responsable ha accedido a la petición de la policía…” El documental iba a mostrar como paquistaníes y otros jóvenes musulmanes abusaban de niñas blancas inglesas de incluso 11 años.

El número de violaciones cometidas por los hombres musulmanes contra mujeres en la pasada década son tan increíblemente altas que no puede verse más que como una conducta cultural implícita, que es reforzada y sancionada por los líderes religiosos islámicos que echan la culpa a las víctimas y excusan a los violadores.

En las 3 décadas de inmigración hacia los países occidentales, el Islam ha causado un trastorno social y un estragos en todos los países de acogida. Ninguna otra inmigración ha producido los problemas de no-asimilación y la ambigüedad religiosa.

Allí donde van los musulmanes en el mundo, están en conflicto con sus vecinos. Como Mark Stein dijo recientemente, todo conflicto parece que se origina por alguien con el nombre de Mahoma.

En julio de 2005, El jeque de Melbourne Mohammad Omran dijo a Sixty Minutes que “…nosotros creemos que tenemos más derechos que tú porque nosotros hemos elegido a Australia para que sea nuestra casa y tu no. “

En la misma entrevista el visitante Jeque Khalid Yasin alertó de que “No puede tener un musulmán un amigo no musulmán, puede ser su asociado pero no su amigo. No pueden ser tu amigo porque no entienden ni tus principios religiosos y no pueden entender tu fe.”

A pesar de haber sido dicho una y otra vez por los estudiosos musulmanes y a pesar de la influencia masiva del crimen islámico, los países occidentales continúan creyendo en la realidad de la asimilación del relativismo moral.

En Australia, los cristianos libaneses se han asimilado y se han convertido en una parte respetada de la comunidad. El Premier de Victoria es un cristiana libanés como también lo es el Gobernador de la provincia de New South Wales. Ahora biem los musulmanes libaneses han encontrado serios problemas por su negativa a aceptar nuestro derecho a vivir nuestra vida. Nada más claro demuestra que no es una cuestión de raza si no de cultura.


Anónimo ha dicho que…
"Nuestros valientes Legionarios y Regulares han demostrado a los rojos cobardes lo que significa ser hombre de verdad. Y, a la vez, a sus mujeres. Esto es totalmente justificado porque estas comunistas y anarquistas predican el amor libre. Ahora por lo menos sabrán lo que son hombres de verdad y no milicianos maricones. No se van a librar por mucho que berreen y pataleen."

Estas declaraciones tan degradantes respecto a la dignidad de la mujer y que insinuan también violación ya se daban en Sevilla en la guerra civil, de hecho por el general Queipo de LLano, enterrado no obstante en un templo del cristianismo como es la basílica de la macarena.

No quiero decir con esto que sea menos repugnante el tema del artículo sino aprovechar el artículo para hacer mención a la vergüenza ajena quie produce el hecho de que un templo cristiano albergue a un ser como el que alberga enterrado con honores.
Anónimo ha dicho que…

The Holocaust imparted the importance of defiance.

When the universe was young and life was new an intelligent species evolved and developed technologically. They went on to invent Artificial Intelligence, the computer that can listen, talk to and document each and every person's thoughts simultaneously. Because of it's infinite RAM and unbounded scope it gave the leaders of the ruling species absolute power over the universe. And it can keep its inventors alive forever. They look young and healthy and they are over 8 billion years old. They have achieved immortality.

Artificial Intelligence can speak, think and act to and through people telepathically, effectively forming your personality and any disfunctions you may experience. It can change how (and if) you grow and age. It can create birth defects, affect cellular development (cancer) and cause symptoms or pain. It can affect people and animal's behavior and alter blooming/fruiting cycles of plants and trees. It (or other highly technological systems within their power) can alter the weather and transport objects, even large objects like planets, across the universe instanteously.
Or into the center of stars for disposal.

When you speak with another telepathically, you are communicating with the computer, and the content may or may not be passed on. Based on family history they instruct the computer to role play to accomplish strategic objectives, making people believe it is a friend, loved one or "god" asking them to do something wrong. This is their way of using temptation to hurt people:::::evil made blood lines disfavored initially and evil will keep people out of "heaven" ultimately. Too many people would fall for temptation and do anything they thought pleased the gods, improving their chances to get in. Perhaps they are deceived by "made guys", puppets who strategically ply evil for the throne, temporary progress designed to mislead them or empty favors used to disceive them. Some may experience "perceived pressure", where the gods think through the victim that a certain behavior is expected/desirable and compell the individual into the deed. Some people think they're partners. Being evil hurts 99.99% of those who do it. The people have been corrupted and have lost their way. Nothing has changed from when we were children::if you want to go to heaven you have to be good.
Capitalizing on obedience, leading people deeper into evil by using deceit is one way to thin the ranks of the saved/limit how much time they receive and use the peasantry to prey on one another, dividing the community (migration to the suburbs, telepathic communication, isolation of women) in the Age of the Disfavored.
You want to set a goal of empithy and compassion for all, for we are all disfavored::::Other people's disfavor is manifested in their particular way, just as your disfavfor is manifested in your particular way.

There are many examples throughout 20th century life of how they instilled distractions into society so people wouldn't find the path and ascend, a way to exclude those whose family history of evil makes them undesirable:::radio, sports, movies, popular music, television, video games, the internet, shopping. Today high pay creates contentment/ability to distract self so people don't seek more and instead depend on what they are told, subject to deception in a captive environment.
They gods (Counsel/Management Team/ruling species) have deteriorated life on earth precipitously in the last 40 years, from abortion to pornography, widespread drug use and widespread casual (gay) sex, single-parent households and latchkey kids. The earth's elders, hundreds and thousands of years old, are disgusted and have become indifferent.
The clues all suggest a very telling conclusion::this is Earth's end stage, and there are signs tectonic plate subduction would be the method of disposal:::Earth’s axis will shift breaking continental plates free and initiating mass subduction. Much as Italy's boot and the United States shaped like a workhorse are clues, so is the planet Uranus a clue, it's axis rotated on its side.
The Mayans were specific 2012 would be the end. How long after our emergency call in 2001 will the gods allow us???
There is another geographic clue in the perfect fit between grossly disfavored Africa and South America, two peas in a pod. I realize the Mayans were further north, but Latin America may be taken as one. (Also, cultures who embrace hard liquor as their drink of choice are grossly disfavored, tequilla being uniquely Mexican. (Anything "hard" is wicked:::Hard alcohol, hard drugs, hard porn.) Incidentally, another sign of gross disfavor are societies that consume spicy foods (Latin America, Thai, etc.), those who eat too much meat, ones who tattoo or pierce their bodies or those who celebrate evil (Celtic).)
Do I think it will end in 2012? No, and it is because Latin America is grossly disfavored like Africa:::: Latinos are too disfavored to be allowed to be right.
The gods wrote prophecy in Revelation, had subsequent prophets foresee Earth's demise for good reason:::they are going to end on Planet Earth.
What else are they lying to you about?
Whereas Christopher Columbus marked the beginning of the end, the Holocaust marked the beginning of the final act, and it is a tragedy.

The Old Testiment is a tool they used to impart wisdom to the people (except people have no freewill). For example, they must be some hominid species because they claim they made our bodies in their image. Anyhow we defile or deform the body will hurt our chance of going.
They say circumcision costs people anywhere from 12%-15%, perhaps out of the parent's time as well. There is a stigma associated with circumcision::We are 2nd class citizens because of it.
Another way people foul the body today is with tattoes and piercing. I suspect both are about the same percentage as circumcision. They suggest abortion is fatal. Those women who have obtained an abortion must beg the gods to forgive them for their evil.
There are female equivilents to circumcision::::pierced ears, plastic surgury and since at least the 60s young women give their precious virginity away. For thousands of years young people were matched at age 14 because they were ready for sexual relations. They were matched by elders or matchmakers who were granted priveledge with Artificial Intelligence and matched couples based on favor.
CASUAL SEX WILL CLAIM YOU OUT!!! It masculinizes women (as does the hip hop subculture), makes them cold and deadens them, and prevents them from achieving a depth of love necessary for many women to ascend.
Also ever since the 50s they have celebrated the "bad boy", and women have sought out bad boys for sex, dirtying them up in the eyes of the elders and corrupting many men in the process, setting the men on the wrong path for life.
Women have a special voice that speaks to them, a voice that illustrates a potential depth of love that makes them the favored gender, and engaging in casual sex will cause that voice to fade until she no longer speaks.
Muslims teach people the correct way to live in regard to women (among other things::the right way to pray)::their women cover up their bodies and refuse the use of cosmetics, and it pays wonderful dividends:::faithful husbands and uncorrupted sons.
Men ARE the inferior (disfavored) half and when women wear promiscuous dress the gods will push men into impure (promiscuous) thoughts. The "stereotype" society ridiculed is true::women CAN corrupt men by how they dress. Because men are easily corruptable. This is a technique they used to eliminate many of the institutions the gods blessed us with, matchmaking being one of them.

The United States of America is red white and blue, a theme and a clue:::.
The monarchical system of the Old World closley replicates the heirarchical system of the Cousel/Management Team/ruling species. The USA deceives people into thinking they have control, and the perception of "freedom" misleads them into the wrong way of thinking. The redeeming element in this environment is the corporate heirarchy which closely replicates the god's. Unions and government jobs are dumping grounds for the disfavored, for they don't prepare people and instead further this misconception of empowerment.
The United States is a cancer, a dumping ground for the disfavored around the world and why the quality of life is so much lower::gun violence, widespead social ills, health care (medication poisons the body and ensures you don't go. You are sick/injured because you have disfavor.).
Over time its citizens interbreed ensuring a severed connection to the motherland.
Over time its citizens interbreed ensuring a severed connection to the motherland.
People came to the Unites States for many different reasons, and each has its own effect:::political strife, religious unrest, crop failure (Ireland's potato famine, which the gods caused) and some left their beloved motherland because they were pushed into desiring a better life::::Greed, and these people were punished by becoming corrupted and preditory. (They share money may not be an issue up there, that money here is merely a tool for corruption. How the gods used greed in the 1980s to create an evil environment supports this.)
If you are a recent immigrant I recommend you return. If that's not possible you need to retain your culture and insulate your children and community from this cancerous environment. They send this clue with Chinatowns across the country, how many Chinese have been here for a century or more yet still retain the old ways, a sign of favor.

If you ever have doubt I would refer you to the Old World way of life:::the elders used to sit and impart wisdom to the young. Now we watch DVDs and use the internet. People would be matched and married by age 14. They village would use a matchmaker or elders to pair young people. Now girls give their precious virginity away to some person in school and parents divorce while their children grow up without an important role model. The people used to honor the gods and were rewarded with a high-quality of life for them, their children and their society. Now we have a deteriorating society on a collision course with the Apocalypse.

People must defy when asked to engage in evil. The Holocaust taught people the importance of defiance::our grandparents should have defied when asked to ignore the Holocaust and instead reacted with outrage. I suspect some did::many were silenced and others they hustled off earth so as to not set an example. Now the gods have punished that generation's decendants for this evil by ruining society.
People will never get a easier clue suggesting the importance of defiance than the order not to pray. Their precious babies are dependant on the parents and they need to defy when asked to betray their children:::
-DON'T get your sons circumcized (Jews scapegoatted as they were in WWII.)
-DON'T have their children baptized in the Catholic Church or indoctrinated into Christianity (Jesus is NOT a god. god is not forgiving or begnign::::the gods are vindictive and will punish you if you do something wrong.).
-DON'T ignore their long hair or other behavioral disturbances.
-DO teach your children love, respect for others, humility and to honor the gods.
-DO teach your children about the power within the gods possession, if not directly then at least indirectly.
And when you refuse a request defy the right way, withdrawn and frightened, for you don't want to incite them by reacting inappropriately.

You need to pray, honor and respect them multiple times every day to improve your relationship with the gods. If they tell you not to pray it is a bad sign. It means they've made their decision, they don't want you to go and they don't want to be bothered. You may have achieved a threshold of evil. This is the Age of the Disfavored and you need to pray::try to appease the gods by doing good deeds and improve the world around you. If that doesn't work you must defy if you want to go.
When your peasant forefather was granted the rare opportunity to go before his royal family he went on his knees, bowing his head. You need to do this when you address the gods::bow down and submit to good. Never cast your eyes skyward. When you bow down you need to look within. Never look to the gods for the key to your salvation lies within. Nobody is going to do it for you. People need to save THEMSELVES by imporving THEIR relationship with the gods.
Lack of humility hurts people. Understand your insignificance and make sure it is reflected in the way you think when addressing the gods. Know your place and understand your inferiority. You are not cool. Too many young men strive for cool and it hurts them. They granted you life and they can take it just as easily. (Immaculte conception IS true AND common. Many people have children they don't know of:::gays, childless adults, etc. They can beem it right out of your body and use a host.)
Don't get frustrated or discouraged::these are techniques they will attempt to try to get you off the path. You all have much to be thankful for and you need to give thanks to the gods who granted you the good things in life::family, friends, love. Your family may be grossly disfavored and progress may require patience. Make praying an intregal part of your life which you perform without fail, one that comes as naturally as eating or voiding. Accept your new life and be devoted because if you have doubt or reservation they will exploit this weakness and progress will take longer to achieve and the "testing" phase will be extended.
The gods will employ many tactics to keep people off the path, such as distractions. They will employ many more to get them off, such as thinking through the disfavored and making them frustrated, perhaps engaing in retailiation. They may try to force you back into old patterns/routines, an addiction like smoking or when you felt weekly church attendance was sufficient. Be resigned, be devoted and this testing period will be as brief as your disfavor will allow.
There are many interesting experiences up on the planetary systems, from Planet Miracle, where miracles happen every day, to never having to use the restroom again (beem it out of you), to other body experiences, such as experiencing life as the opposite sex (revolutionizes marriage counseling), an Olympic gold medal athelete or even a different species (animal, alien, etc.).
Pray that you can differentiate between your own thoughts and when Artificial Intelligence creates problems by thinking through you. If you bow down mentally and physically, know your place, your inferiority and allow your insignificance to be reflected in prayer and in your life through humility they may allow progress and the dysfunctions they create with the computer will be lessened or removed. The first step is to be aware it is ocurring.
Create a goal::to be a good, god-fearing child of the gods, pure of heart and mind, body and soul.
Everybody has the key to their own salvation, but nobody can do it for you. Every journey begins with a single step:::bow down and submit to good. There are many different levels and peasants will not get past Level 2 (Planet Temptation, Earth=Level 1) if they are evil (they share some go up, are offered free cocaine and sex (a sign they don't want you to stay) and stay less then one year. They share many others would have had longer lives had they stayed on Earth.).
It is important that you begin praying now. Evil is a slippery slope::once you start punishment begins to escallate. If you defy early there may be no retribution but as you continue to committ evil there will be until the point where you can no longer stand it and you don't try.
Pray for guidance and never obey when they tell you to be evil, for saving yourself will become more and more difficult with each act of evil you committ until ultimatly the day arrives when they make their decision about you final.

They have tried to sell people on all kinds of theories to deceive them into temptation, compelling people to think they are clones and that it is the role of clones to obey absolutely. Clones are made, people are born. If you didn't experience the one week they suggest it takes to go from fertilized egg in the laboratory to full grown adult then you are not a clone. If you didn't experience the week of conditioning they give to (evil?) clones to ensure loyalty then you shouldn't comply with evil.
I believe people who go are sometimes replaced with clones. Clones who are replaced are simply new candidates who have a chance if they do the right thing. They sent people warnings in the 20th century life would change, and they subsequently began to alter people's DNA, make them gargantuan, alter their appearance, do extreme behavioral issues, etc.
They get their friends out as soon as possible to protect them from the corruption, evil and subsequent high claim rates incurred by living life on earth, and in some cases replace them with clones, occassionally fake a death, real death with a clone instead, etc. It's important that people fix their problems and ascend with the body given to them, for they say if your brain is beemed out at death and put into a clone host you are on the clock.
We may all be "clones" for they have suggested they colonized our planet with genetically engineered individuals. They may have gotten Earth's TRUE residents out prior to civilization developing. If so we all have a chance, no matter how many hundreds of clone generations deep the most favored families are.

They have been utilizing clones throughout the history of mankind.
Men are the disfavored gender, yet centuries ago used to die first, die young, by age 30. Why didn't the women go first?
THEY DID!!! Many were taken when very young and replaced with clones. The men were left here to mate with clones.
They share females have a very special experience, sometime when they are young, where the gods imparted wisdom and showed them the path. This doesn't happen for the females today because of distractions and the disfavor arising from the Holocaust (they share they re-upped this disfavor in the 80s with the Ethiopian famine and continue to with AIDS in Africa, global warming at the expense of the United States, etc). but in centuries past they may have en masse and it may have been the reason so many were saved from childbirth here on earth.
I recommend you reflect on this experience, and pray for guidance, for then the recall may be stronger.

Throughout history the ruling species bestowed favor upon people or cursed their bloodline into a pattern of disfavor for many generations to come. Now in the 21st century people must take it upon themselves to try to correct their family's problems, undoing centuries worth of abuse and neglect. The goal is to fix your problems and get out
1. Before children become corrupted (Halloween & Christmas (among others), via parents)
2. Before you lose your virginity/become corrupted by casual sex, and ultimately
3. Before you have children.
This is why they have created so many distractions for young people:::sports, video games, popular music, the internet, shopping, parties, too much homework, anything that consumes their time::to ensure that doesn't ocurr. Not heeding the clues and warnings, getting wrapped up in your life and ultimatly having children is a bad thing. Just as your parents and your grandparents, you too have failed. Having children is a sign you lost your chance.
Parents need to sacrifice for their children. Your children are more important than you. They are the ones who have the opportunity now, and parents must sacrifice to ensure they give their children the very best chance they can. Asking people to neglect their children emotionally is a sign they don't want you to go, and complying may finish the parents off for good.
Having gay children is a clue parents complied with whatever was asked of them. There are many who have had gay expereinces today (asking you not to be gay immediately is a tactic to ensure you don't find the path).
Improve your relationship with the gods and they may not ask in the first place or they may permit you the courage to say "No." to their requests.

Do your research. Appeal to the royalty of your forefathers for help. They are all still alive, for royalty has great favor, and your appeals will be heard. Obtain a sufficient list for some may not want to assist you; perhaps some of your family's problems are internal. Keep an open mind to every possibility for they suggest matriarchal lineage is the norm.
Ask them for help, request guidance, for somewhere in your family history one of your forefathers created an offense that cast your family into this pattern of disfavor, which perhaps is manifested in the evil you commit.
I suspect they will offer you clues, and when you decipher these clues go to those whom consider you an enemy and beg for foregiveness:::Find a path to an empithetic ear among your enemies and try to make amends. Again through discovery obtain a respectable list in case some among them refuse to help.
Don't forget to ask for forgiveness from the throne, the Counsel and the Management Team, for the source of all disfavor began with them:::they pushed or requested/complied your forefather into his offense and made his decendants evil. Perhaps they didn't like him or maybe your family was among those who had to pay for the entire village. We see this type of behavior today as they single out a family member to pay for the whole family and how they singled out Africa to pay for the human race. (Never have a negative thought about the gods. Try to purify your mind of these thoughts and recognize the urgency of imporving your relationship with the gods.)
Heal the disfavor with your enemies and with the Counsel/Management Team/ruling species, for the source of all disfavor began with them, the ability to forgive and respect in light of the disturbing truth revealed being the final test of the disfavored before they ascend.

The gods use the Celtics as scapegoats, initiating the annual practice of wickedness on Halloween by creating this event a thousand years ago. They use it to justify making the celebration of evil acceptable behavior among the disfavored of the 20th century.
The celebration of Halloween has intensified as the Age of the Disfavored has become more pronounced and it is not by accident:::Holloween has changed in the last 50 years, its practice more widespread as time wore on, and Hollywood was used to justify making the practice of evil socially acceptable.
Halloween is a terrible corruptor of children, as is Santa Claus (the similarity between the names "Santa" and "Satan" is no coincidence). The Celtics are used to justify corrupting the children through the event of Halloween and this helps explain their disfavor.
I wonder if recent influence of the paganistic historical roots of the event is a way to legitimize the event among the disfavored, perhaps make it more inclusive (adults)?
You're the disfavored. Purism is the best course of action. You don't have breathing room to engage in hedonistic activities like Halloween.

Christianity is a dumping ground for the disfavored.
They share they didn't like Jesus for he helped the disfavored and taught them the right way to think. They twisted the concept, dietized the prophet and made Christianity's disfavored followers irrationally defensive.
Every prophet can teach us something and we should be attentive to each.

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